Persian Calendar YEAR view problem - Posted (1183 Views)
Average Member
Posts: 350
In persian Lang, and in calendar page:

from last week until today, in Year view Current month, highlighted as wrong.
Today in english date is: 2019/02/19
Today in persian date is: 1397/11/30

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Average Member
Posts: 350
yes the latest beta support for persian, But it has problem yet in persian.
I suggest you wait to release the latest v4 non beta.
Forum Administrator
Posts: 4387
I will try using the latest beta and merge my year calendar into that if I can, latest beta has built in support for persian
Average Member
Posts: 350
Thank you for try, it will be enough.
Forum Administrator
Posts: 4387
I will see if I can do anything, but may not be able, it is not my code and the year view is not really designed for anything other than a Gregorian calendar so it was a fudge to get it working at all. It is also incredibly difficult to debug especially when you have no idea what it should be showing in Persian smile
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