E-Commerce solutions? - Posted (92 Views)
Posts: 15
My newest research is for e-commerce solutions.

Anyone have any ideas?

Maybe I am delusional, but since I can use just a person's email address for like PayPal or Zelle in order to send a simple request, why can't I do that via shopping cart software?

I haven't installed any to be honest. I have just used demos, but when it comes to the check out process, I want to omit the billing address part and just get the shipping address part.

Am I naive here? I personally don't like puting in my credit card number on a shopping site. I prefer to go to the payment vendor's site and do that. So that's what I want for my site. I just want to get the basics as to where to ship it to, what to ship, and an email address for the billing to be sent to a processor such as Square Up, PayPal, Zelle, or whatever.

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Forum Administrator
Posts: 4393
Thanks for posting, I'll have a read later smile
Posts: 15
OK. I looked and looked for Classic ASP solutions, and I really just could not find any on the cheap. Hard times atm guys, so I am on the cheap.

Anyway, I happened upon an opensource product called nopCommerce.

I had a little bit of a frustrating getting it going, but take thought that I am jumping completely over the whole ASP .NET framework as I have not ever done any work in it nor do I know anything about C# or etc and beyond. So I frustrated myself like a flapping floundering tadpole in the middle of the Sahara as I tried to figure how to do this whole learning curve on an outdated development laptop with just 13 GB of harddrive space left out of a 300ish GB hardrive ... slower than reversing the Earth's orbit. Ikr?

Anyway, I documented my travels in this first part of the install. My username over at the nopCommerce forum is PunkyDogGear. If you are interested in the humor of my adventure, in that, if'n you are interested in my woes and successes or just want to be humored at seeing a tadpole flap in the winds of the Sahara, here was my quest ... https://www.nopcommerce.com/boards/t/73558/nu1101-erros.aspx
Posts: 15
Exactly ... Just trying to use an ecommerce site more for its inventory back end and other features. I have to build an in-house interface because we make custom dog gear at the moment, so when a customer orders a product, it isn't like we are a retail distributor and can just order the same item from another business. I have to account for every piece that goes into the item and pull that data from the database in order to make up our shipping and receiving aspects for replacing manufacturing needs. It is a bit complex for me coming out of the box after ?? years of totally eclipsing the .NET framework and jumping into .NET Core ... I'm like ... Um, I'd rather stick with what I know in Classic ASP, but the Classic ASP vendors out there I am not really too sure about. It seems many of those shopping cart vendors have moved on with technology or from life. Classic ASPers are an old breed anymore.
Forum Administrator
Posts: 4393
You should be able to do that if you are using paypal as your shopping cart software, that's how the paypal donation buttons work here.

I'm like you I tend to choose paypal for checkout wherever possible and never ever save my card details if they do not use paypal, I don't trust them with my details smile
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