Installing Snitz™ Forums MVC on a shared hosting plan - Posted (1065 Views)
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Posts: 4393

Instructions for installing the Snitz™ Forums MVC code on shared hosting.

Firstly, ensure that HTTP Compression is turned of, I don't know why this affects the code, but it seems to cause problems.
Next, make sure your site supports ASP.Net v4.x.

Before uploading any files to your website, you should follow the instructions below.

If you are using MySQL for your database, delete the web.config file and rename the web.config.mysql file to web.config.

Now, open the web.config file in a text editor and add the required information to the two connection strings that you see, they will look similar to below ..

connectionString="Data Source=SERVER;Initial Catalog=DATABASE;UID=USERNAME;PWD=PASSWORD;"

Replace the text in CAPITALS with the correct information for your database in both of the connection strings.

If you already have a website configured on your shared hosting, you should create a new '.NET Application', you will be asked to supply a folder that the .NET application should use as the root folder for your forum (you may need to create this).
If the forum is going in the root of your website you may skip this step.

Now, upload all the folders + files in the release zip to either your website root or to the new .NET applications folder that you just created.

Open the forum in your browser using it's URL, either http://mywebsiteaddress/ or http://mywebsiteadress/.netappfolder/
After a short delay (.NET will be loading stuff when you first open) you will be presented with the setup page for the forum.
Follow the instructions as presented to you.

If all goes well, you should end up being redirected to your new forum. The forum once installed will be in the 'Offline' state, you should now open the Admin pages and setup all the options and settings for your forum before putting the forum into 'Online' mode.

If anything goes wrong, copy the content of the output window and post it here so that we may offer some assistance.

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